JasperReports JSF TagLib

Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="jr" uri="http://jasperreportjsf.sf.net/tld/jasperreports-jsf-1_2.tld" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:jr="http://jasperreportjsf.sf.net/tld/jasperreports-jsf-1_2.tld" />

JasperReports JSF Integration Tag Library

Tag Library Information
Display NameJasperReports JSF TagLib
Short Namejr

Tag Summary
source Faces component tag used to provide to a report component the data needed for rendering. Consult library documentation about how to use this tag and its possible locations within the Faces tree.
subreportNo Description
reportFrame Faces component tag used to insert an inline report within a faces component tree. Component will be rendered inside the page.
reportLink Faces component tag used to insert an report link within a faces component tree. Component will be rendered as link that when clicked outputs the report contents.


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