Converters Feature

Converters are a concept inspired by the already existent "Converter" feature from JSF but their behaviour in this library is quite different. The purpose of the converters is to interpret the user provided value that any component can receive. So we find two different types of converters:

  • Source Converters: Designed to interpret the meaning of a source component's value attribute. The set of source converters provide the wide variety of different sources that a report can use to obtain report data.
  • Report Converters: Designed to interpret the meaning of a report component's value attribute (link, frame or subreport). This is most an experimental feature and it's intented for a way to allow users to provide a net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport object instance, a compiled report resource or a source file report resource.

Source converters

A source converter must implement the net.sf.jasperreports.jsf.convert.SourceConverter interface and should be listed in a file available from the classpath at this path: META-INF/services/net.sf.jasperreports.jsf.convert.SourceConverter.

Each source converter should be listed along with the source type it supports as it's shown in following example:


Report converters (EXPERIMENTAL)

A report converter must implement the net.sf.jasperreports.jsf.convert.ReportConverter interface and should be listed in a file available from the classpath at this path: META-INF/services/net.sf.jasperreports.jsf.convert.ReportConverter.

Each report converter should be listed along with the file extension it supports as it's shown in following example:
