Other supported sources

Following is a summary about other supported data sources:

  • Bean and map data sources
  • java.sql.ResultSet based data source
  • User designed net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource
  • User supplied java.sql.Connection or javax.sql.DataSource

Bean & map data sources

This kind of data sources use one or more instances of the same bean class (java.util.Map when using maps) as data records.

Configuring the source component

The attributes required to be used with this type of data soruce are reflected in the following table:

typefalsebean when using beans and map otherwise
valuefalseBean, Collection or array which contains the data.

Simple Example

Following there is an example about using this kind of data sources

import example.data.OrderBean;
import java.util.*;

public class BeanDataBean {
    public OrderBean[] getOrderArray() {
        List<OrderBean> orderColl = new ArrayList<OrderBean>();
        return orderColl.toArray(new OrderBean[orderColl.size()]);
    public Collection<OrderBean> getOrderCollection() {
        Set<OrderBean> orderSet = new HashSet<OrderSet>();
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(orderSet);

Then, this managed bean can be used inside the JSP file that will render the report or report link.

<%-- Array example --%>
<jr:source id="..." type="bean" value="#{beanData.orderArray}" />

<%-- Collection example --%>
<jr:source id="..." type="bean" value="#{beanData.orderCollection}" />

Using Queries

Queries against bean or map data sources are not supported.

ResultSet sources

This is the most simple data source that can be used. When using JDBC result sets the value of the type atribute must be "resultSet" and the type for the value attribute is must be always a java.sql.ResultSet. Be careful, since application is responsible of closing the result set.

ManagedBean example:

import java.sql.*;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;

public class ResultSetReportBean {

    private ResultSet reportData = null;

    public ResultSet getReportData() {
        if (reportData == null) {
            // Obtain a JDBC connection and execute a SQL query
        return reportData;

    public void release() {
        if (reportData != null) {
            try {
            } catch(SQLException e) {


JSF view example:

<jr:source type="resultSet" value="#{resultSetReport.reportData}" />

User defined data sources

If none of the data sources suppported are suitable to your needs, you can create your own data source extending the class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource. Once you have your own implementation of this class you can define a jr:dataSource component to make use of it.

When using custom data sources you will need a class to implement the interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource, a managed bean that will be used to provide the data source to the JSF Component and the jr:dataSource definition.

Note: Any I/O resources opened needed to obtain the data must be released by the application.

import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;

public class CustomDataSourceBean {

    public JRDataSource getData() {
        return new CustomDataSource( ... );

    private class CustomDataSource implements JRDataSource {
        public CustomDataSource( ... ) {
        // other methods

    public void release() {
        // Release resources here


The JSF data source component will be similar to the following:

<jr:source id="myCustomDS" value="#{customDataSource.data}" />

or using one of the report base components directly

<jr:reportFrame source="#{customDataSource.data}" value="/path/to/report.jasper" />