Features for last versions
This page is dedicated to showing fixes and features added (or improved) in each release of JasperReports JSF Plugin. When using the library pay attention to this list when using any of the functionalities provided.
- Not backwards compatible with previous versions. Plugin design has been completely restructured in order to provide a more robust behaviour and a wider set of features.
- Plugin's lifecycle has been aligned with the standard JSF lifecycle.
- Now a report render request is a true Faces's request invoked as a postback against the view which declares the report.
- Plugin components are validated when reached the PROCESS_VALIDATORS phase, not inside the RENDER_RESPONSE phase.
- Components refactored with support for customizing the way user provided data is obtained.
- Report objects are processed by a ReportConverter instance.
- Source objects are processed by a SourceConverter instance.
- Support for nested reports (subreport components). (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Support for .jrxml report files which are compiled on the fly. (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Components can now receive values from managed beans' binded properties.
- Enhanced built-in resource loading/resolving mechanism.
- Eased extensibility by means of the JRFacesContext class
- Removed support for java.awt.Graphics2D output formal (useless in servlet or portlet environments).
- XML datasource now supports org.xml.sax.InputSource and javax.xml.transform.Source value types.
- Added support for XLS data sources
- Bug 2943601: jr:dataSource doesn't accept f:attribute
- Patch 2945905: Report's linked resources not being rendered.
- Added support for JasperReports 3.5.2 and later
- Added .docx and java.awt.Graphics2D (EXPERIMENTAL) output formats
- Tight integration between JSF and JasperReports by means of engine's classes implementations
- Bug 2848454: Bad exported filename fixed
- Bug 2817806: NPE When exporting HTML reports fixed
- Bug 2811689: Error constructing report URI fixed
- Bug 2817805: Enless loop when validating JDBC data sources fixed
- Bug 2813832: Plugin complains about Portlet API's
- Bug 2782326: Null pointer in FillerFactory fixed
- Bug 2002902: Response writer is null fixed